MDCA Away from Home: ARCA Images presenta “Tres Veces Cruz” de Nilo Cruz - Miami Dade County Auditorium Skip to Main Content Skip to Nav Skip to Footer
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MDCA Away from Home: ARCA Images presenta “Tres Veces Cruz” de Nilo Cruz

Westchester Cultural Arts Center

March 16 @ 5:00 pm EST

Event Series Event Series (See All)

ARCA Images and Miami-Dade County Auditorium, in partnership with the Roxy Theater, presents “Three Times Cruz” (Tres Veces Cruz), three echoes of war and faith, by visionary Nilo Cruz on March 6-16 at Westchester Cultural Arts Center

Nilo Cruz nos muestra la esencia de tres seres en búsqueda de verdad y amor incondicional. Almas que ya han conocido el dolor y que, con valentía, desafían al destino. Esta nueva producción de ARCA Images ofrece una experiencia teatral bilingüe donde “El Viaje de la Sombra” y “Melisma” se presentan por primera vez en español, mientras que “Farhad o el secreto del ser” se mantiene en su lengua original inglesa, creando un fascinante puente entre culturas y lenguajes. Una innovadora propuesta que, bajo la dirección del propio Cruz, reúne tres monólogos que exploran las complejidades del ser humano en el contexto de Afganistán, donde las fronteras entre realidad y fantasía se difuminan para revelar profundas verdades humanas y demostrando el poder universal del teatro para conmover y transformar más allá de cualquier frontera.

Pulitzer-prize winning playwright Nilo Cruz shows us the essence of three beings in search of truth and unconditional love. Souls who have already known pain and who, with courage, defy destiny. This new ARCA Images production offers a bilingual theatrical experience where “The Journey of the Shadow” and “Melisma” are presented for the first time in Spanish, while “Farhad or the Secret of Being” remains in its original English language, creating a fascinating bridge between cultures and languages. An innovative proposal that, under Cruz’s own direction, brings together three monologues exploring the complexities of human nature in the context of Afghanistan, where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur to reveal deep human truths and demonstrate the universal power of theater to move and transform beyond any border.

Presentado en español con traducción simultánea de audio en ingles. Presented in Spanish with simultaneous audio translation in English.


This performance is part of Miami-Dade County Auditorium’s Away From Home Series. Programming continues to thrive during this period of renovation through the Away From Home Series. The series consists of off-site performances presented at alternative venues with community partners, ensuring that the magic of the performing arts continues to captivate audiences throughout this transition period. The Away From Home Series presents dance, theatre, and music performances that take place at a variety of South Florida facilities and cultural centers. MDCA remains committed to keeping the spirit of creativity alive during this monumental endeavor and invites you to join us away from home!




March 16
5:00 pm




Westchester Cultural Arts Center
7930 SW 40th St
Miami, FL 33155 United States
(305) 226-0030
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