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35th International Hispanic Theatre Fest: Barrio Caleidoscopio
July 17, 2021 @ 8:30 pm EDT
$23 BUY TICKETSEvent Navigation
Alfonsito despierta con ganas de ir hasta la tienda y comprar un pan, o dos. Para lograrlo deberá enfrentar sus múltiples y extravagantes miedos. Aparentar ser como los otros, como la gente “normal” y abandonar su casa meticulosamente organizada y polvorienta. Deberá velozmente transitar por la calle vacía evitando las bromas de sus “amigotes”, la melancolía de los barrenderos y el encuentro con su comadre Magalita, la maquiavélica. Y, sobre todo, evitar la explosión del músculo rojo dentro de su pecho al momento de recibir su bolsita de pan. Escrita y dirigida por Carlos Gallegos.
Alfonsito wakes up with a desire to go the store and buy a loaf of bread or two. To do so, he must overcome his multiple eccentric fears, appear to be like others – like “normal” people – and leave his meticulously organized, dusty home. He must walk quickly down the lonely street, avoiding the teasing by his “friends”, the sadness of the street sweepers and any encounter with the Machiavellian Magalita. Above all, he must keep the red muscle inside his chest from exploding when he receives his bag of bread. Written and directed by Carlos Gallegos.
This theatrical performance is part of MDCA IRL: Summer and the Hot Theatre Summer Series.
PLEASE NOTE: Before attending, please review our updated Health & Safety Measures for indoor performances during the 35th International Hispanic Theatre Festival. Bag checks may occur at the lobby doors before entry. Please allow yourself a bit of extra time while planning your trip.